We are so grateful to our clients, team and partners for 5 amazing years in business!

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Revamp those snooze-worthy performance reviews into engaging and impactful sessions that leave your employees high-fiving in the office! Say goodbye to generic goal setting and hello to meaningful feedback and recognition. We spill the beans on how to make performance reviews exciting and valuable in this blog post.

The Importance of Frequent Feedback

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Have you ever had to break up with an employee or a client? Not because of any party’s own fault, but just because the needs of the relationship may have shifted and no longer aligned? At the end of the day, we all have to do what is best for ourselves and our businesses.

Workplace Culture for Boomerang Employees

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We all work to be paid; there’s no question about it. But there is more to work than just a paycheck. We seek more than just a bi-weekly deposit in our checking accounts. We’re seeking value, balance, and happiness- three things that sometimes are under-communicated in interviews, nonexistent in some work environments, and harder to achieve than they should be.

Job Satisfaction May Be More Important Than Your Salary

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Understanding how stress manifests itself in you and your employees is key to helping you lead through challenging times. You probably can’t do too much to control the pressure running a business causes you, but you can become attuned to the warning signs you’re getting stressed and act.

Workplace Stress? No, Thanks.

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We’re going to squash five myths that promise to create workplace efficiencies for you and your company. Like marshmallows in your afternoon coffee, this is a sweet bonus that will have you zipping through the day with more speed and energy.

5 Myths that Promise Workplace Efficiency

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To better understand the type of leader you are, you must ask yourself: How emotional am I? The more you examine your emotional responses, the better you can lead your company. Likewise, understanding how emotions drive your employees will help you tap into their strengths and navigate challenging situations.

What’s Your Leader Demeanor?

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If you want to take action against racial injustice — and not just post trending hashtags — then read on. We can each make meaningful change in a place we have total control over: our companies.

Ending Racism in Your Workplace